Quick Thoughts:
- My Core work is pathetic right now. All I've been getting in is the little I do during my "Activation/Corrective" section of my program. Core work and Energy System Development are my 2 least favorite things to do. Need to figure out some easy ways to force myself to get those done.
- Did get my ESD work in today. Actually, I didn't get my power work in either. The equipment was too busy at UCSB to do what I normally do, so I couldn't. I was hoping to get both of these in when I got to Prevail, but alas it is 8:58pm and I'm just finishing my work. Oops.
- Felt really good today, actually. I was surprised as I thought I might be a little sore or feel beat up from our soccer game last Friday night (I haven't played in about 1 1/2 years). But that was not the case. That was a welcome surprise.
- Note in complex 3 I did not label any recovery. Don't let that fool you. Those pieces of equipment were on opposite ends of the room, so although I was not sitting around resting, I was walking between equipment and setting up weights, etc. There was time between each exercise.
Hi Chris,
I met you a couple of years ago at an ACSI convention. I'm in need of some advice from someone who knows and understands fitness better than anybody I know. I was wondering if ISSA cert. is a quality PT cert. to get started in fitness training.
- Oscar
Oscar. Hello again. It's decent. It is what I generally recommend as a basic certification. Personally, I tend to gravitate toward NASM or NSCA when speaking to new or young trainers getting into the industry. They are both well reputable. NASM teaches much more movement/motor learning and corrective strategies as well which has become a big topic in the industry over the past 5-10 years. Feel free to email me directly with any other questions: chris@prevailconditioning.com
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