Feb 19, 2013

Coach Eck's Training Session 2/18/13

by Chris Ecklund, MA, CSCS, USAW

Quick Thoughts:

  1. Had more time to train today (day off) so I took more time.  Pretty common pattern for me.  I really try to make sure that when I do this I am adding a lot of extra SMR/Mobility work pre and during the training session.
  2. Started to get in some Energy System Development stuff today.  Why?
    1. I had more time
    2. I need it and always leave it out.  I really hate doing it
    3. I am playing in an adult soccer league that starts this week and don't want to be a mess metabolically once the games start.  A week's work of metabolic work is--although not ideal--helpful.
One last thought: I switched the format I'm uploading these files as since they are getting big and hard to read.  I believe you can open the workout below in a separate screen and enlarge or download and enlarge it.  If you have a problem, let me know.


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