After some discussion over the past few months, I've decided to log my weekly workouts online for at least the next month (at least, I'm going to do my best to do so). Why? A little background...
1. Because most people (including my family, friends, clients, and even students) think that the picture below describes me well (and's getting a little old!).
The reality is that most people I interact with believe I workout all day long. Truly, they do. I understand the assumption and confusion, but let me be the first to say it is an incorrect assumption.
I think the truth of the matter is that the bottom 3 pictures are most likely the most descriptive (although the bottom 2 on the right are the most accurate). There is a fine balance in performance training/strength and conditioning between figuring out how to safely and appropriately drive/push your clients, motivate and encourage, and deal with life's day to day battles.
2. The Irony of the Industry: many of my students and young trainer/coaches getting into the industry believe that once you start coaching/training, it's just easier to train all the time.
You're in the gym, your life is surrounded by it must make it simple to stay fit and healthy, right?! The truth is something quite different. Ask coaches who've been in the industry for a while and you will usually hear something along the lines of the following:
"It gets harder and harder to train yourself the longer you've been in the industry."
Why? Ask a CPA to go home and work on his budgeting and taxes every night after work.
Ask a CFA to go home at night and work on her investments every night after a full day at the office.
Ask a psychologist to go home at night and spend time working on self evaluation, reflection and mental/emotional exercises after spending all day listening to other people's struggles.
See where I'm going here? It's just not easy. After 8-12 hours between UCSB/Westmont College/Prevail, it's hard to train. Ask any of my trainers.
3. I think it may be helpful for people to see what I have to do to keep myself healthy and active and the ways I have to be creative in order to fulfill that desire.
I have to do a lot of work on myself to stay healthy. When I get lazy, things go wrong. Two years ago, my soft tissue and mobility/flexibility work was pathetic. Outcome: I was in pain a lot of the time, albeit most of it just small, nagging issues. However, one was very problematic: my CT junction was getting so stiff that it was impeding neural output (weakness), causing pain, and limiting ROM. So I got to work and now I feel a tremendous amount better. This past year, my ESD/Conditioning work has been pathetic. Outcome: I get tired a LOT quicker playing the sports I like (tennis, basketball, soccer). It's tough to fit it all in. And let's be honest...I'm getting older! So, I have to be creative to balance work, life and fun. Not easy for me.
4. It helps keep me honest.
Just like you (at least I hope you believe this), it's helpful for me to be an open book to others so I don't cut corners or cheat myself. I like it when other people know what's going on with me (not only with exercise, but into the depths of my being as well). So, this will serve as workout honesty for me and help me visually see the stuff I'm leaving out week to week.
I hope you enjoy this month of workouts and my weekly journey. Feel free to share thoughts, questions, insights, struggles, etc. See below for today's workout.
Blessings and Peace,
Chris Ecklund, MA, CSCS, USAW
CEO Prevail Conditioning
1 comment:
thanks for sharing Chris. This is absolutely the truth. everyone thinks it's so easy for trainers, but it's not. Sometimes i want to get out of the gym as quickly as possible, not stay longer!
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