This is not necessarily what I thought my inaugural post would be addressing. However, as I begin to lay it out I realize that it will most certainly not be the last of its kind, so I pray it speaks to you as it has spoken to me...
It struck me today...again...that nobody has it together. A friend of mine emailed me about how some difficult things are taking place in her life. She then proceeded to comment on a recent newsletter I sent out and how, in contrast to her own life, it appeared as though things were going so "well" for me. It truly gave me pause and reminded me how deceiving the exterior and facade of one's appearance can be to others. So much of my time lately has centered around the issues of this life as well as the need to live in constant submission to the One that is greater. There is no other way in which our time on this Earth can be more fully understood or lived.
It has also come to my attention once more about the need to be supported by others. Being able to share with and in the trials of life with close friends and family is not only necessity, but also a blessing of sorts. I have found that in the struggles and weaknesses of those times others are able to come alongside in order to aid in the healing process and uplift one until that person can once more stand up on his own.
Fortunately--for you the reader (tongue in cheek)--my thoughts in this are brought back to the world in which I live on a daily basis...that of health and wellness. And yes, even here I find strong correlations and lessons to be learned. It is true that no one part of life functions separately than another. We are created so closely intertwined and interwoven. And thus it holds true that our physical lives function very similarly to what I've already described. There are times of struggle. What does that time of struggle look like for you? I don't know. I know what it looks like for me, however. My point here is on how that struggle in the physical realms--albeit disease or ailment, lifelong struggles with weight or body image, or even the more "fun" hurdles of losing the last 4% bodyfat or increasing a vertical jump 5 inches--necessitates the support and aid of many. It is just simply unlikely that the goal (whatever it is) will ever be realized without those components. And this is also, unfortunately, why I see many people I've worked with or observed from a distance struggle month after month and year after year to achieve the allusive goal: an inability to surround themselves (or to be surrounded) by a supporting cast and to also be able to submit appropriately to things that are of more value or importance at given times (and therefore let their own pursuits fade into the background for a time).
Chris this is such a great first post. Thanks for sharing on such a personal level. Your website looks great!
I did check out 2 of your affiliates and signed up for the free trial with Hyperstrike and so far I'm impressed with what I've seen. The Adidas sale looks pretty good too.
What are your plans for your website for the future? Considering adding more features?
Jeanne Bayles
Thanks Jeanne. I hope there are many more opportunities to share some things that are on my heart (and I anticipate there will be).
Glad to hear you are enjoying Hyperstrike. I'm very much interested in the feedback I get from my affiliate groups as I want them to be first class and extremely helpful to those that are able to utilize them. I have found that one of the things people struggle with is variety, creativity and "where to start." I believe this online resource will be catalyst to "get people going" and out of the contemplative stage of "where should I start" or "what else can I do?"
More features are soon to come. We will be adding more resources for personal trainers and strength coaches for Continuing Education Units (as well as coaches); weekly exercise videos; weekly/monthly "workouts of the week/month"; more affiliate groups to complete a wide network of services to make it a one stop information source; hopefully a calendar of Prevail Conditioning events (including seminars, workshops, performance camps, etc.); looking into adding a Sports Vision Training component and software used by several professional baseball teams for Prevail clients; and more!
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