Dec 3, 2007

Core Conditioning October 2007

Here is the October program for the Core Performance group training class. For those of you who are athletes, weekend warriors, or just looking for something different than the typical "gym" workout...put this into effect for a month and watch your agility, stability, balance, explosiveness and core strength improve. If you are an athlete, you can utilize this program as a pre-season, in-season or off season program for improving strength and power endurance.

Variations and progressions exist with each exercise. Holler with questions:

Dynamic Warm Up (5-10 minutes)

Core Circuit (2-4 Sets / 30 seconds each / 0-5 seconds between exercises)
Swiss Ball Prone Lateral Roll (feet on ball)
Supine Bridge (on elbows)
Swiss Ball Pikes
Stick Crunch
Russian Twist Seated
Prone Opposites

Explosive / Balance Circuit (same sets/time)
Medicine Ball Chest Pass
Single Leg Heiden and Stick
Low Walk & Pause (Backwards)
Single Leg Balance and Cone Touch
Box Strides
Hop and Balance/Cone Touch

Agility / Lift Circuit (same sets/time)
Zig Zag through Mini Hurdles
Double Leg Hip Lift
Mini Band Shuffle and Cone Touch (Lateral)
Push Up and Rotate
Star Drill with Cones
Dumbbell Lunge to Shoulder Press
3 Hurdle Lateral Run and Stick

Active-Isolated Stretching Cool Down (5-10 minutes)
Arm Hugs
Knee Hug Walks
Quad Stretch Walks
Straight Leg High Kick Walks
Piriformis Stretch Walks
Hip Circles

Make sure you can do exercises with perfect posture and landing technique prior to progressing to more difficult variations.


Consult a physician prior to beginning any exercise program and stop at the onset of any pain or dizziness.

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